What’s Cookin with the Sun Oven

We are speaking with Trip Critz the owner of the Sun Oven. Their Solar Powered Oven cooks any type of food to perfection. Learn more about the different features of the Sun Oven https://www.sunoven.com/promotions/ref/AmericanOutdoorNew. http://www.AmericanOutdoorNews.com

Animal Rescue with Lisa Jaeger

We have the opportunity to speak with another side of conservation. Lisa Jaeger speaks to us about her Jaeger's Run Animal Rescue. Lisa is in the trenches helping injured or abandoned animals in Long Island NY

CVA New Lines New Designs

We had the opportunity to speak with CVA about their Latest models for 2021. The New Accura x-Treme Series, the Paramount HTR and the 40 Cal ELR slug it is the new 50 cal. Only it shoots faster, flatter and farther. http://www.CVA.com http://www.AmericanOutdoorNews.com

Tales From The Tundra

We are speaking with Paul D. Atkins, journalist, hunter, adventurer and the author of Atkins Alaska, telling us tales of his experience of living in the Alaskan Tundra. http://AmericanOutdoorNews.com http://PaulAtkinsOutdoors.com

Growing Up Boddington

Chris Avena of American outdoor News speaks with Brittany Boddington about her life growing up with her father, Craig Boddington, a pioneer in the outdoor industry. How she started hunting and how her career has grown in the outdoor industry

Tanner Kochevar on Phone Skope & Pyro Putty

Tanner Kochevar of Skoped Industries talks about the latest product line of products from Phone Skope and Pyro Putty as well as what we should be expecting from this innovative company http://www.AmericanOutdoorNews http://SkopedIndustries.com http://PhoneSkope.com http://Pyroputty.com https://blubrry.com/americanoutdoornews/

Talking Gun Legislation with the NSSF

Today we are talking about Gun Legi犀利士 slation with Mark Oliva the Director of Public Affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation. http://www.AmericanOutdoorNews.com http://NSSF.Org https://www.congress.gov/bill/111th-congress/house-bill/1207/text https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127/text

Talking about 2A with the National Association for Gun Rights

Chris Avena from American Outdoor News Speaks with Chris Stone from the National Association for Hunt Rights about the Second Amendment and the most recent gun legislation that has been presented by the left. http://www.AmericanOutdoorNews.com http://www.NationalGunRights.Org Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AmericanOutdoorNews Instagram https://www.instagram.com/american_outdoor_news/ Twitter https://twitter.com/SeeMeHunt Blubrry https://blubrry.com/americanoutdoornews/ Website http://AmericanOutdoorNews.com