Long Island Deer Hunting- The Hidden Gem

When most people think about whitetail hunting, Long Island, New York, probably isn’t the first place that comes to mind. However, this region is a hidden gem for hunters in the know. It’s not uncommon to spot a 140 or even 150-class buck wandering through the woods, making Long Island a surprising hotspot for whitetail enthusiasts. In this episode, we sit down with my friend Guy Iaquinta to dive deep into his experiences hunting whitetail deer on Long Island.

Guy shares his insights on the unique challenges and rewards of hunting in this unexpected location, from understanding local deer behavior to navigating Long Island’s diverse landscapes. We also explore the allure of destination hunts and discuss why many Long Island hunters tend to stay close to home rather than venture out to more well-known hunting grounds. Guy’s stories and tips offer a fresh perspective on why Long Island deserves more recognition among whitetail hunters and what makes it such a special place to hunt.

Additionally, we delve into the broader hunting culture on Long Island, examining the factors that influence local hunters’ choices to stick to familiar territory. From accessibility and regulations to the camaraderie of the local hunting community, there are many reasons why Long Island hunters cherish their local woods. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just curious about exploring new hunting grounds, this episode will open your eyes to the untapped potential of Long Island whitetail hunting.


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