Ellie Johnson co-author of the Barrens speaks to American Outdoor News about her New Book and her adventures in the remote arctic regions of Canada. Her story will grab you from the opening chapter.
Speaking with Rob Hommel from Mountain Man Deer Processing. Rob has a unique idea of a mobile processing trailer. You hunt, He will come to you & process your animal. You get the animal that you processed. You get it on the spot. https://mountainmandeerprocessing.com/
Speaking with Scott McClure about the benefits of the outdoors and how the Outdoor Tomorrow Foundation is making a difference in our Youth. http://www.gootf.com https://www.americanoutdoornews.com/ https://waypointtv.com/american-outdoor-news
Country Music Star Travis Tritt speaks to American Outdoor News about music, family and the outdoor lifestyle that he lives. http://TravisTritt.com http://UnderwoodAmmo.com http://Pyroputty.com http://HuntofaLifetime.org
We are speaking with Michelle Scheuermann of Bullet Proof Communications. We cover a multitude of topics from Trade Show Season to Social Media and Beyond with lots of laughs in between. http://www.Bulletproofcomm.com日本藤素 om/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXBsNjJLVWJaeHNmVTBaajFRc0c5WFpfVUxXd3xBQ3Jtc0tteXJUaklNSzRHdVdKNjNzZmItaS01X2dXWW5XZXZiUTdZMDhYOEJyTzEwSjBrd3F6UmdwcV9QNkF2eGRnZnBBQ01ZRjlUcUk0aEZqeVFiZDFyRzFmQXd6TkV2Sllmd05VaENYSk53cVd2anNnQ2NqTQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.Underwoodammo.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://www.Underwoodammo.com http://www.Pyroputty.comhttp://www.Huntofalifetime.org
Speaking with Don Gittleson of the Gittleson Angus Ranch in Waldon Colorado about how the delisting of wolves has affected how he can make his living as a cattle rancher while the local wolf population feasts on his cattle. http://www.gittlesonangus.com http://www.Pyroputty.com http://www.UnderwoodAmmo.com http://www.Huntofalifetime.org
Justin Olson is the Arizona Senatorial Candidate strives to make Arizona Safe again. He is for secure borders, getting the crime rate under control and bring back a stronger economy. Make Arizona Safe Again http://www.votejustinolson.com
Cubic Mini Wood Stoves is made especially for the outdoorsman. This mini wood stove is perfect for boats, RVs, Van life and other alternatives for the outdoorsman on the move. http://www.CubicMiniWoodStoves.com
Chris Dorsey is a man of many talents. He is a hunter, fisherman and adventurer. He is an editor, outdoor writer and television producer of many popular shows that air on the history channel, DYI, the outdoor channel and many more. Chris speaks to American Outdoor News about the outdoors, TV and the future of the NRA. https://www.outdoorchannel.com/hosts/chris-dorsey/31161